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2 tree(s) planted in memory of Patrick Walsh
Bettie Tomashewski lit a candle
Saturday, January 4, 2025

Dr. Walsh was a true friend and teacher. I ended up minoring in English as I had such a great connection with him and truly enjoyed his classes. Over the years I have treasured our time together and his wonderful insight in literature. You will be truly missed and loved. Bettie Tomashewski
Steve MacIsaac posted a condolence
Monday, September 2, 2024
My condolences to the Walsh family. I had the pleasure of being a student of Dr. Walsh’s in two separate classes. He was an incredible teacher whose passion for literature, film and life came through in every moment of his classes. I am truly sorry for your loss.
Steve MacIsaac
Suzanne posted a condolence
Saturday, June 15, 2024
My sinceres condolences to the Walsh family....spending time with M Walsh was always a memorable moment for me.
Suzanne from Quebec
The CBI Health family planted a tree in memory of Patrick Walsh
Friday, June 14, 2024

On behalf of the entire CBI Health family, please accept our condolences on the loss of Mr. Walsh. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Mike Howard posted a condolence
Saturday, April 27, 2024
What an amazing educator. His infectious enthusiasm for the written word and the content and his connection with his students contributed to his being such a great teacher. He cared about his class participants both as students and as people. A wonderful StFX faculty member. I enjoyed his classes very much and I also enjoyed our conversations. My condolences to his family and friends.
Marv Robbins posted a condolence
Monday, April 22, 2024
Dear Jacquie and Family. My condolences. I was honoured to have met and known Pat during my employment at Keltic Motors. He was truly an inspiration to me whether it was talking cars or performing on stage at the Bower. His advice, friendship and memories I shall cherish for the rest of my life.
Veronica Gillies posted a condolence
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Pat Walsh and R.J.MacSween were my two favorite professors at StFX. I interviewed him in 1986 for a story I wrote about Rev. MacSween. What a guy. I am glad to see the video of a long and happy life. May his memory be a blessing.
Veronica Gillies
Class of 1980
Edie posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Monica and Family,
I was so sad to see that your father had passed away. I remember being a student in his Modern Drama class. He was so lively, fun and engaging!
It was one of my favourite courses at X.
The last time I saw him was on a Saturday morning in ~ 2008 in our backyard with Dad's friendly group of 'thinkers'. He had everyone laughing with his colourful stories and quick wit.
So sorry for your loss.
Louise Myette posted a condolence
Saturday, April 13, 2024
My sincere condolences to the family of Doctor Patrick Walsh. He was an excellent professor- the best I ever had.RIP
Lynn O’Donnell posted a condolence
Friday, April 12, 2024
Dear Jackie & family,
I have such fond memories of Pat, his wit, positive attitude, kindness and brilliance. My parents adore him. Sending deepest condolences to you all.
Tom Langley posted a condolence
Friday, April 12, 2024
Dear Jackie & family;
Marius & I were saddened to receive news of Pat’s passing. His heart was as large as his anatomy and he was always available to help his Alma Mater. I cherish the times we spent together on committees, arguing about
about university politics, etc etc.
He will be remembered in the history of Stfx as a devoted professor, a caring & concerned member of the institution and always thinking of ways to make his community and the larger society a better place for all.
We send our sympathy and condolences and our wish that happy memories will be of comfort in the days ahead.
Jennifer Haynes posted a condolence
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Dear Mary, I learned from our mutual dear friend Anne, of your beloved dad’s sudden passing & just want to let you know that I’m thinking of you, your mom & your family at this sad & difficult time. I can tell from your loving & eloquent obituary what an exceptional, dynamic, talented & accomplished person your dad has been in so many ways. I hope & pray that the wealth of memories & richness of the life you shared may bring you some comfort now & always. With heartfelt sympathy, Jennifer (Montreal)
Maurice MacPhee posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
My sincere condolences to the Walsh family. I took two courses from Pat at X in the 1980’s where his booming voice had most captivated and engaged. My fondest memories were of meeting him in his office when looking for inspiration and direction. I always left there feeling challenged with my mind abuzz.
My sincere condolences,
Maurice MacPhee
(StFX Class of 89)
Andrew Murray posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
My sincere condolences to the Walsh family. Over my early years and my return to Antigonish I have been connected in various ways to the Walsh clan. Pats fantastic book is a go to resource for information about Antigonish. A true Renaissance man.
Kim Dickson posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
I was deeply saddened to read about Pat’s passing and offer my deepest sympathies to Jackie and their family. Pat was a big presence in every sense of the word and none bigger than his devotion to his lovely wife and their family.
I was blessed to have had Pat as a professor while taking my BEd and to have him as a supervisor for my teaching practicums. In his uplifting, kind, and insightful way, Pat taught me to find my path and that there was more than one “style” to be an effective teacher. He shared his brilliant writing, his gifts of a deep appreciation for and understanding the depth behind the value of English literature and ways to convey that passion to young minds and to help guide them to discovery.
Pat was a man of integrity, intellect, creativity, spirit, wit, passion, and goodness. It was a joy to highlight his many contributions while in Advancement. The English professors of Pat’s era were truly exceptional and he was a very significant part of that excellence. He was an icon who made an indelible mark and will be long and fondly remembered with admiration and great respect.
Kim Dickson & Barry Campbell
New Glasgow, NS
Maxyne Schneider, SSJ posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Dear Jackie and family,
My deepest sympathy goes out to each of you on the loss of Pat’s earthly presence.
Pat returned to his high school Alma Mater just in time for my class (1960) to have him as our teacher. He was instantly beloved. Among my memories is the way in which he spoke about life and faith by how he lived. His regard for the sacredness of marriage was apparent even then.
His academic teaching was solid in content and delivered with enthusiasm. His influence on so many in my class lives on today.
My prayers are with Pat’s soul and your hearts.
Maxyne Schneider, SSJ
John J DeCoste posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
My deepest and heartfelt sympathy and prayers go out to Jackie and family at this very sad time. Pat was such a kind, caring, funny and loving soul. It was a privelege to work with him from time to time on projects at The Casket. May he rest in the arms of our Lord forever.
Therese posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Monica and family, I was so sorry to hear of your dad 's passing. I had him for one English class I took as an elective. He opened every class with "this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad ."
I last saw him at a gathering at the RK MacDonald guest house about 5 years ago. May he RIP.
Therese Fraser
William and Joan Haddad posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Dear Jackie and Family, it is with a sad heart that I write to you to express our sincere sorrow in the passing of your Husband, Father, Grandfather and friend. Joan and I will miss his weekly expression on many varied topics ... especially political. Please know that we will offer our special prayers for Pat as well as your family. We will always have fondest memories of our time together in the past. Bill and Joan Haddad, Ft. Lauderdale Florida.
Sandy & Evelyn MacEachern posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Jackie and Family ,
Our most sincere condolences on Pat's passing.
Pat lived the Xaverian life well and brought its spirit wherever he went.
A cherished colleague always.
Sandy & Evelyn MacEachern
Robert Madden posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Jacquie--my sincere condolence to you on the passing of Pat. I enjoyed all of my experiences with him over the years--Board of the Casket, Martha Home Health Care, RK MacDonald Nursing Home, Our drives together to Port Hawksbury to teach night courses, Playing handball together with Sheldon and Jimmy, and of course teaching together at StFX.
I really enjoyed the obituary, and I appreciate how difficult it must have been to write given the "massive" subject. I am using the term "massive" to describe Pat's persona--he was larger than life. He was an exceptional human being who made us all richer for having spent time with him.
With every best wish, I am yours sincerely, Bob Madden.
David Moeller posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Jackie and family:
We were deeply saddened to her of your loss. Please accept our condolences. We have many memories of Pat. He was a joy to be around. Always teaching.
Dave and Anne Moeller
Berni Osiowy posted a condolence
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
To The Family!!
I wanted you to know Myself and My Staff
at CocoBrooks Pizza will miss Mr.Walsh every week!
He was Great Person, always very Pleasant and Friendly to us!!
He will be Missed!!
Berni Osiowy and the Staff of CocoBrooks Pizza 42nd Ave SE
Mike Moeller posted a condolence
Monday, April 8, 2024
To the Walsh Family.
Pat taught me at St FX in 1975 and was a great prof.
He was a good friend of my Mom, Jean Moeller.
Our thoughts go to all of you. The world is darker today, not because of the eclipse. Because I heard this news.
Mike and Linda Moeller
Father Donald Boudreau posted a condolence
Monday, April 8, 2024
A very personal expression of my Sympathy, Prayers and Kindness - with a noted word of remembrance Mary and Neil, along with you and your families in St. Joseph's some years ago! Dear Mary, may your dear Dad Rest In Peace Eternal and May the Blessings of Christ be with you, your Dear Mother and Family; along with all who walked life's journey with your Father. God Bless! Most sincerely, Father Donald Boudreau

A Memorial Tree was planted for Patrick Walsh
Monday, April 8, 2024

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at MacIsaac Funeral Home LTD Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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