Obituary of Sister Anne Coady
Link to Eulogy Part 1 https://youtu.be/CkIqlrIXxeI
Link to Eulgoy Part 2 https://youtu.be/BWguTXx1dpw
Click on this link for Recording of Liturgy of Christian Burial
Coady, Sister Anne, 93, formerly Sister Helen Matthew, a Sister of St. Martha of Antigonish, died in Mary’s Court, Parkland Antigonish on August 5th 2024, in the 73rd year of her Religious Life.
Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Sister Anne was a daughter of the late Matthew David and Helen (Scanlan) Coady.
Sister Anne entered the Sisters of St. Martha on August 15, 1949. She pronounced her first vows on August 15, 1951, and her perpetual vows on August 14, 1954. After her profession of vows, Sister spent several years teaching and later entered the field of social work.
She was employed by the Cape Breton District School Board where she taught at East Bay Elementary School and MacDonald School, Big Pond. In Antigonish County she taught at Rev. H.J. MacDonald School, Heatherton and Dr. Hugh MacPherson Elementary, Antigonish.
A graduate of Provincial Normal College, Truro, and St. F.X University, Antigonish, Sister Anne was trained in singing and music through the Toronto Conservatory of Music. In 1970 she obtained her Master of Social Work Degree from Carleton University, Ottawa.
As a social worker, she served with Family Services of Eastern Nova Scotia in, Sydney; New Waterford Consolidated Hospital, New Waterford; St. John’s Hospital, Lowell, MA; and St. Michael’s General Hospital, Lethbridge, AB. Rooted in Gospel Hospitality, after retirement from social work, Sister Anne did volunteer ministry at St. Therese Convent, St. Paul’s River, QC, and at Bethany Center, Antigonish, and in the last few years she was totally committed to the ministries of presence and prayer.
Sister Anne was deeply committed to all aspects of Social Justice, she was a tenacious advocate for anyone she perceived to be marginalized or in need of support. A keen wit, and ready laugh were equal to her sorrow and cry for justice. She was grateful for all that she received and the care and dedication of staff, those who worked for the congregation, and those who worked for Parkland, Antigonish.
Sister Anne was the last surviving member of her immediate family. Besides her parents she was predeceased by a sister, Marjorie Kimball, and brothers Matthew and Basil. She is survived by her loving nieces and nephews and their families.
The remains will be resting at Martha Place, Parkland Antigonish on Thursday, August 8th, 2024 at 9:00 a.m., a Celebration of Vigil and Eulogy will be held at 11:00 a.m. in St. Martha Chapel, Parkland Antigonish. A Liturgy of Christian Burial will take place on the same day, August 8th beginning at 1:45 p.m. in St. Martha Chapel, Parkland Antigonish. The Eulogy and Funeral Service will be live streamed.
Arrangements are under the direction of MacIsaac Funeral Home, Antigonish.
Celebration of Vigil
Liturgy of Christian Burial
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